Monday, August 24, 2020
Individual Industry Innovation Report
Question: Talk about the Individual Industry Innovation Report. Answer: Presentation The development is required for the endurance of anything on the essence of the world and subsequently is valid for the organizations as well. In the present serious world, the advancement has gotten unavoidable for the associations around the globe. Consistently new organizations are shaped which are paying more weight on the online nearness and arriving at the customers with imaginative items in a creative manner, in this way making advancement amazingly fundamental for the association around the globe (Ngo and O'Cass 2013). So this report plans to talk about the significance of the advancement, and do a development review on Renewable Energy Corporation for understanding the accomplishment of the association. Significance of condition in advancement The Merriam-Webster characterizes condition as, the conditions, articles, or conditions by which one is encircled.' So with regards to an association the earth is everything outside the business house, for example, the market, outer partners, purchaser, and so on along these lines it tends to be effectively presumed that the greater part of the elements that are of significant worry for the firm are a piece of the earth, which shows the significance of nature for the firm (McKenna and Chauncey 2014). The different natural factors that are of significant worry for the firm are: swelling, downturn, gloom, trade rates, advertise size, request, providers, contenders, and there are many. So development stays with the fully informed regarding nature can adjust for the making of better administrations for their shoppers (Hung and Chou 2013). Government arrangements and activities for development The traditions that must be adhered to or the administration arrangements are a central point that chooses the game-plan of the organization. Along these lines it very well may be seen that a few nations are increasingly serious and imaginative contrasted with others and help the firm for the making of a superior situation for development and advancement (Dolfsma and Seo 2013). The administration can help in advancement by purchasing the developments that help in free rivalry, decreasing the dangers of the advancement by different financing instrument, cooperation with the main specialists in the business, and guidelines and measures that choose the course and obstructions of the exploration (Borras and Edquist 2013). The previously mentioned are the essential rules and could be widened dependent on the particular necessities. Significance of Research in Innovation The development of any association is for the most part dependent on the reality, how upgraded the procedure is observed, overseen and how the firm comprehends the necessity of the buyers. For this propose, the organization should continue reexamining itself in all the angle. The reexamination and the creation of new strategies to keep up points of interest over the contenders are finished with steady research (Stahl 2013). So the examination is a vital piece of development and the associations around the globe ought to have am RD division to guarantee they are very much aware of the progressions and are not abandoned by the most recent overhauls in their field. The examination helps in understanding the current lacunas of the framework and furthermore helps in creating more up to date items that have not been thought by the contenders. The new items help in the formation of the specialty advertise that is absolutely unexplored and helps in snatching more offer in the market and makes a decent name of the association in the market. The exploration ought not be limited to the mechanical parts of the association (Von Schomberg 2013). The firm ought to likewise create novel methods of promoting and information investigation which help in better reach to the purchasers, with the most recent innovations in the data innovation the effect of the innovation ought to be appropriately esteemed and consolidated which helps in better and quicker information the executives. Sustainable power source Corporation The REC (Renewable Energy Corporation) is one of the main organizations in sunlight based force gear manufacture. REC began with the foundation of Fornybar Energi AS which endured different difficulties because of the economic situations and negative income. In 2007 the organization chose to begin once again and moved its base to Singapore. In the next years, the organization experienced an emergency with the falling salary and the expanding obligations, which was the consequence of the money related emergency. Following the separating of the organization into two, after which the organization has begun developing consistently (REC Group 2016). Henceforth the organization has encountered a great deal in its short time period which has brought about its profound learning. Advancement review The significant worry of the organization is produce silicon wafer and sun powered boards and develops sunlight based boards from them. So it very well may be seen that the essential point of the organization is inventive, as the firm expects to decrease the reliance of the world on the traditional vitality sources, along these lines giving it an edge over different organizations (REC Group 2016). The organization ran into inconvenience when it began to move to different areas. The underlying arrangement of the organization was in a tough situation free when the organization moved to Norway the organization began confronting inconveniences (Dolfsma and Seo 2013). From the Global Innovation file positioning, it tends to be seen that Sweden is positioned high among the friends and is the explanation of the underlying achievement however the earth of Norway isn't as helpful as of the Sweden bringing about the decay of the organization. At that point the difficulties continued coming yet after the split the organization moved two spots, USA and Singapore who are again positioned exceptionally high on the file, in this manner demonstrating the significance of the tradition that must be adhered to and government guidelines on the wellbeing of association (Global Innovation Index 2016). The past section talks about the effect of the tradition that must be adhered to and the significance of the administration guideline upon the wellbeing of the organization. In this segment, the effect of the bigger condition will be introduced that will help in understanding the game-plan of the organization (Wang et al. 2016). The favorable condition of the nations helped the organization to endeavor rather than the taking off obligation of the organization because of the budgetary emergency which was the consequence of the deferrals in the opening of new creation offices. In spite of the fact that the interest was high, the inability to satisfy the need decreased its valuation in this manner making a circumstance of emergency ( 2016). This episode shows the effect of the different natural factors on the organization. The organization all through its excursion has fabricated around 20 million sun powered boards till 2015. The excursion had been from hand washing wafers to the most recent reasonable creation office, which focuses on the creation of the cleaner vitality for what's to come. So the organization has ventured out long from pioneer to a world head. The organization has actualized different development methods like the incorporation of completely computerized framework for creation of the wafers in 2010 (REC Group 2016). As of late in a lot of this current year the organization has contributed around 250 USD for the innovative work (HWEE-HWEE 2016). Such interest in the zone of innovative work makes certain to get awards to the organization the since quite a while ago run in this manner making the association genuinely world class. Future possibilities The current point of the association is just identified with the creation of the sunlight based boards for the creation of the green electrical vitality. The organization can likewise show enthusiasm for the creation of interchange vitality gathering innovation like sun based concentrators that thought the sun powered radiation for warming the liquid for running the turbines dependent on the warm force plants. The exploration shows that the sun based concentrators are progressively productive contrasted with the present sun oriented boards (Leutz and Suzuki 2012). The organization can likewise create boards with a superior effectiveness which will be an incredible jump for the humankind. The organization could likewise focus towards the creating countries that will help in getting a more noteworthy portion of the market and will help both the nations and the organization. The organization ought to likewise move for the sun oriented board establishment. With the mastery close by with the organization and the in-house assets, the association will undoubtedly exceed expectations in the field (Thomas 2016). As expressed in the past section the other sustainable sources like the breeze also ought to be given the due significance that will help in the development of the business and will help in expansion of the business which is vital for each association (Griffin et al. 2013). End The report here has effectively introduced the different components that are liable for the advancement in an organization. The different elements that advance the development of the associations were recognized for the framework. The distinguished components were nature of the association, the rule that everyone must follow and the administrative guidelines of the land, and the examination that are being done in the association. At that point in the ensuing area, the organization foundation was introduced which helped in understanding the game-plan of the organization. Lastly, the advancement review was introduced for the organization which broke down the different parts of the choices and the developments that have helped the organization is keeping up its essence in the troublesome occasions and makes it one of the world class association. References Borras, S. what's more, Edquist, C., 2013. The decision of development arrangement instruments.Technological estimating and social change,80(8), pp.1513-1522. Dolfsma, W. what's more, Seo, D., 2013. Government arrangement and mechanical innovationa proposed typology.Technovation,33(6), pp.173-179. (2016). Forbes Welcome. [online] Available at: for-business/list/#tab:overall [Accessed 5 Dec. 2016]. Worldwide Innovation Index. (2016). The Global Innovation Index 2015. [online] Available at: https://www.globalinno
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Safety in high rise buildings role of a project manager Essay
Security in elevated structures job of a task director - Essay Example Fay (2007), Craighead (2008) and Adler (1993) by and large characterize elevated structures as structures that broaden higher than the most extreme reach of accessible putting out fires gear. All the more explicitly, these are the structures whose statures fall between 75 feet (23 meters) and 100 feet (30 meters) or around seven to ten stories, contingent upon the tallness between the floors (Fay, 2007). Security, then again, originating from the Latin word securus, implies opportunity from peril or hazard (Fay, 2007). This term has gotten generally equal with wellbeing, which additionally means one’s opportunity from threat (Fay, 2007). Having perceived these terms at that point, the specialist at that point talks about the normal issues being experienced by laborers who take part in the development of tall structures that regularly present dangers to their wellbeing and security. The issue concerning the wellbeing and security of laborers in elevated structure building locales has frequently been a subject of numerous looks into. Truth be told, the development business has been viewed as one of the most hazardous divisions because of the quantity of mishaps being experienced by the laborers while they are taking a shot at their tasks, most particularly, the elevated structures (Rowlinson 2004). The business, as a result of the previously mentioned has then likewise delivered the most noticeably awful security record everywhere throughout the world. One of the most well-known issues experienced by laborers in the development of elevated structures that undermine their wellbeing and security has something to do with the atmosphere. Obviously, the present temperature in the territory where a specific specialist is utilized will in general influence the structure materials, particularly those that is being taken care of or strolled on (Oliver, 2005). It is then hence that Oliver (2005) regards it significant that a specialist or above all, the atmosphere director, be educated regarding the
Monday, July 20, 2020
Americas Debt and Budget Deficit
Americas Debt and Budget Deficit Americas Debt and Budget Deficit Home›Economics Posts›Americas Debt and Budget Deficit Economics PostsIntroductionThe American debt and budget deficit problems have been on the increase for several years now. In 1992, the national debt stood at $4 trillion, which represented a 64% of the annual Gross Domestic Product. Over the next eight years, the debt was managed and reduced to 56% of the budget. However, it has swollen since then. The current American debt as at today stands at 14,350,296,997,143, which is slightly above 100% of the annual Gross Domestic Product. America has an estimated population of 310,677, 986 which means that every citizen in America shares $ 46,190.17 of the public debt. The means that the national debt continues to grow averagely at $ 3.98 billions per day since 2007.It is predicted that the deficit will continue to grow over the next few years with estimates being $50 trillion by 2030. This represents 140% of the Annual Gross Domestic Product. As the debt ratios continue to rise, the creditors will continue demanding higher interests rates to finance the debt. This, in turn, means that the deficit will continue to get larger and larger, which will force the United States to default its payment. In the light of these facts, I hold that Americas debt is growing to be unmanageable and that it is unsustainable.AnalysisCauses of the increase in the American’s debt.To be able to understand what causes the uprising American debt, it is important to understand what the composition of the debt. The national debt is the amount of money the federal government owes to the public and other agencies. The federal deficit can also be used to explain the national debt, where the expenditure of the states exceeds the revenues. The national comprises of all the debts throughout the history of America plus the interests due from such debts. The state owes the Federal Reserve about forty percent of the total debt, while the remaining amount is owe d to individuals, corporations and foreign governments. This situation is deteriorating by day as the crisis facing the world markets today demand more future borrowing; this means that the debt will continue to grow at a greater rate than the economy (Fink High 18).Knowledge and awareness of the national debt and budget deficit is very crucial for various reasons. One, the national debt is very expensive; the cost of borrowing of these funds is very high. Currently America appends over 900 billion each year in interest payment alone. Secondly, the big national debts cripple the development of the economy. The money given by the public as a loan to finance public social programs would have been used in most productive economic activities. Thirdly, increasing debts means that the government is relying heavily on foreign debts in paying its bills. The gives the individual foreign countries like China and Japan leverage in negotiations with America.Such leverage maybe harmful to the s trategic and competitive interests of America. Fourthly, the over-reliance on public debt sends signals to market that America has become a risky borrower. This way, the buyers of the bonds will start demanding greater interest rates, to compensate them, in the event that the principal loan is not paid. The other concern facing increased national debt is inflation. For the government to manage the debt, it may cut on expenditure of increase or apply both mechanisms (Konigsberg 94). These policies are not very popular, and the government may result in monetising the debt. The government prints new money to repay the debt. This will result in high levels of inflations, which will affect the value of the dollar.America has had debts since its inception. These debts have continued to accumulate making it so large today. Over the years that American government cut down on taxes and increased its public spending resulting to a more increase in the public debts. The economy and the holde rs of the debt benefit in the short term. The holders enjoy high interest rates to compensate the risks that they will not be paid in the long run. The economy, on the other hand, benefits in the sense that there are funds available for spending. However, this loan and the interest rates on the loans becomes a burden as the government will have to repay the debt eventually (Harrison Dye 101).One of the causes of the increasing debt levels is through budget deficits. This happens when the government exceeds expenses over the revenues it collects from taxes and other revenues over a one year period of time. Each annual deficit is added back to the accumulated debts. When this happens, the government issues debt to cover up the difference. The debt comes in the form of bonds where individuals, corporations and the Federal Reserve buy. The government also loans itself some money through The Social Security Trust Fund. The result of this is increasing the national debt levels.The second cause of increase in the national debt is the increased government expenditure in social programs. This represents the amount of money the government puts aside for public expenditure. This spending is financed either by taxation or by borrowing. CBO projects that public expenditure will double in the next few years to account for over 40% of the GDP. This means that the government will require additional funds. More funds can only be made available through increased taxation or borrowing. This will cripple the American economy and destroy its international competitiveness.The other cause of the increasing debt in America is the Afghan and the Iraq wars. The two wars are estimated to cost the government $ 2.4 to $ 3.5 trillion. The CBO estimates that the war will cost $ 2.4 trillion by the time the war is expected to end by 2017. The democrats on the JEC (Joint Economic Committee) estimate that the war will cost 3.5 billion. This has a very great impact on the national debt. There is no doubt that the war increased the national debt substantially. For the first time, United States cut taxes as it started this war. This meant that the war was fully funded through borrowing.The government has been issuing bonds to be able to finance the war. It has also issued credit cards to China and other foreign buyers to be able to finance the costs of the war. The US debt increased from 6.4 trillion in 2003 to 10 trillion in 2008; a quarter of which is directly attributable to the war. This is exclusive of the future health costs for the disabled veterans of the war, which is likely to add an extra half a trillion to the debt. This is accompanied by very high interest rates; the interest factor comprises of almost 70% of the total amounts borrowed by the government, which continues to increase the national debt immensely. This makes the levels of the debt to be unmanageable and unsustainable. More debts continue to accumulate on every citizen without clear ways on how the debts will be paid. Critics of the war argue that the costs amounting from the war will continue to be passed on the coming generations, who had little to do with the start of the war. However, they have to pay for the debts borrowed today (Bardes 87).The other cause of the ever increasing national debt is the increased expenditure on healthcare, especially Medicaid and Medicare. Medicare is an insurance program for the elderly people aged from 65 years old. Taxpayers cover this insurance, which is usually branded as the health insurance for the poor. Medicare and Medicaid take up to 19% of the federal budget. The government also subsidises the costs of efficient and effective medicines to make them affordable to the poor. The effect of these policies is that they encourage early retirement and fewer saving on medical expenses. In addition, it encourages the over-utilisation of the health facilities. The extra demand resulting from this insurance forces the government to dedicate m ore resources to the health care. This has resulted in increased costs of healthcare. In the face of increased economic hardships, the government seeks foreign funds to take care of the health care. This, in turn, continues to swell the national debt to unmanageable levels.SolutionsTo be able to control the rise in the national debt and budget deficit, the government will have to increase the taxation levels or reduce on public expenditure. As the national debts increases, so does the interest rates payable on these loans. To be able to pay these interest rates, the government and the policy makers will have to increase the amount of taxes charged on people’s incomes. The extra revenues from the taxes would be used to repay the interests rates. However, economists argue that this is not a good way of managing the debts. This is because as more taxes are charged, people get discouraged to work and save resulting in decreased incomes and output. This will make the situation worse. T his is also opposed by the politicians, who fight for the rights of the citizens.To avoid the taxation problem, the government can embark on disinvestment policy, which entails reducing on its public spending, this way; the savings from the reduced funding will be used to pay the debts. This will entail some sacrifices by citizens so that in the future, the debt will be lower. The Keynesian economists hold that this is not a very good for the economy. This is because, when the government reduces spending, so does investments and consumption. This can only be applicable when the economy is near full employment. However, the current expenditure is greater than amounts necessary to maintain and support equitable citizens and an efficient financial system. The government should, therefore, cut on the current expenditure to repay the public debt and avoid it from increasing above the already high limits (Miron 78).The other solution to the national debt problem would be establishing a co nsolidated sinking fund, basically meant to repay the debts. This fund will enable the government to repay the debts instead of issuing new bonds to repay the existing debts. Normally, governments take up debts to repay the due loans. This means that there is a continuous vicious cycle where a debt is repaid using another debt, which means that in, essence, the debt was never paid. The consolidated fund will help to break this vicious cycle.ConclusionThe American debt has been increasing at an alarming rate in the last one decade. There are reasons why the amounts of the debt are going up so fast. First, the ongoing Iraq and Afghan wars are costing the government a lot of money, and thus the government is forced to take more debts to be able to finance the costs. An increase in public spending is another cause for increased debts and budget deficits. The spending is projected to double in the near future. However, these services do not bring in revenues, and so the government have t o seek other sources of finance to finance the debt. The government can raise funds through taxation or through borrowing. Since taxation is not popular with both the politicians and voters, then form of raising funds left is through borrowing, this continues to swell the national debts beyond manageable and sustainable levels (Baumol Blinder 64).The national debts and deficits have very great impacts on the economy of the United States of America. In the short run, the debts results in increased economic growth especially during recessions. Despite this, the long run effects of the debts are quite destructive to the economy. One of the harmful effects is the higher interests to be paid for such loans. This will reduce the amount of money available for the government to invest. Secondly, the American government may fall into the temptation of allowing the dollar value to fall, so it will be cheaper to pay the debts. In this case, foreign investors become reluctant in purchasing the US bonds pushing the interest rates much higher.Quick measures need to be taken to manage the current national debt and budget deficit conditions. However, any abrupt stop borrowing will push the value of the dollar down, push interest rates and inflation up, which would have a more harsh impact on the economy of America and the world at large. For this reason, the government needs to take swift measures to be able to manage the situation. First, the government can increase taxation levels on individuals and corporations. This will avail more revenues to repay the debt. Moreover, the government can cut on its public spending, so that the saved amounts of money can be used to repay the debt. The last option would be establishing a consolidated sinking fund, which will help to break the vicious cycle of borrowing. These measures will help to improve and reduce the national debt levels into manageable and sustainable levels.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
How a Ruler Ought to Govern His State Essay - 1019 Words
Francesco Petrarch (1304-1374) was an Italian scholar, poet, and early humanist during the reformation of the Renaissance period. He was one of the greatest poets of the 14th-16th century, and is regarded as the father of the humanist movement. Petrarch was a prolific writer. Not only was he known for poetry in Italian and Latin, but also hundreds of letters, essays and histories. Like Dante, a generation before Petrarch wrote in a vernacular style to bring Italian a literary language. In this letter, Petrarch offers advice on how to rule as an effective leader. He uses various examples and sources to support his theories of how a good ruler should rule by laying out a good model. Petrarch emphasizes the first quality of a good†¦show more content†¦Petrarch is a writer of great knowledge with a desire of theology and politics, as so many before him, while keeping the words and acts of humanism to be held sacred and gifts of our Heavenly Judge. He was a teacher of kno wledge, sobriety, and humbleness. With the aid from the philosophies of Aristotle, Petrarch wrote with finesse and poise, which Petrarch only new in the Latin language, his driven thoughts in relation to that of Cicero, a roman poet and politician that died years before Petrarch was born, Petrarch was considered to be one of these learned men as so many others. He was patronized by the wealthy due to his style and ability to write with such power and grace. He refers constantly other great poets such as Euripides and biblical characters, such as, Jeremiah. All these display an attitude towards learning and kindness. The Renaissance man can be described as a modern scholar that acquires leaning and is knowledgeable in several areas of science, literature, art, and government, also one that maintain good standings, display good citizenship with his surroundings and others. Petrarch distributed all these in by way of his writings. In his piece of â€Å"Rules for the Ruler†, Petrarch described the attributes and the attitude needed for a good ruler should govern his country. Through kindness, love, justice, and keeping in mind that we are mere mortals and that have all sinned and fell short of theShow MoreRelatedPetrarch and Machiavelli Essay809 Words  | 4 PagesFrancesco Petrarch wrote a letter entitled How a Ruler Ought to Govern His Sate. Nearly a century later, another philosopher by the name of Niccolo Machiavelli wrote a book about governing, The Prince. The two documents show many similarities in content and theme. While the two wrote in similar subject matter, it is clear that these philosophers possess distinctly different viewpoints on how a ruler should govern. In Petrarch’s How a Ruler Ought to Govern His Sate and Machiavelli’s The Prince, bothRead MoreNiccolo Machiavelli And John Locke1162 Words  | 5 Pagessociety. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Ethics Behind The Medical Setting - 3207 Words
The Ethics Behind the Use of Restraints in the Medical Setting Margaret Correia Simmons College Introduction In today’s health care industry, mechanical restraints are often used to maintain patients’ behavior and ensure their safety when treating the elderly and the severely ill (Gatsmans Milisen, 2006). There are many variations of mechanical restraints, but all are defined as â€Å"any device, material or equipment attached to or near a person s body and which cannot be controlled or easily removed by the person and which deliberately prevents or is deliberately intended to prevent a person s free body movement to a position of choice and/or a person s normal access to their body†(Gatsmans Milisen, 2006, p.†¦show more content†¦The purpose of the current paper is to identify the risks and benefits of performing restraints on individuals in the medical field and to assess the benefits and risks to determine whether or not the use of restraints is ethical. Benefits of Using Mechanical Restraints In the medical setting, mechanical restraints are used for â€Å"therapeutic purposes,†in order to â€Å"protect a patient from harm†(Moss La Puma, 1991, p. 22). Restraints are used in order to allow medical staff to provide continuous medical care, protect patients from accidental injury, and protect staff and other patients from harm ((Mion, Minnick, Leipzig, Catrambone Johnson, 2007; Perkins, Prosser, Riley Whittington, 2012; Barazovski Rosin, 1997; Tromp, Pluijm, Smit, Deeg, Bouter Lips, 2001; Carpenter, Avidan, Wildes, Stark, Fowler Lo, 2014). Providing Continuous Medical Care One of the benefits of using mechanical restraints is that they can effectively prevent patients from interfering with medical care. Restraints are used for this purpose in both nursing homes and in intensive care units, and are effective in eliminating instances of accidental removal of medical devices such as
Sequencing Objectives Free Essays
Sequencing objectives within classes and courses within curriculum is important because much of what we learn is developed through building blocks of knowledge. For example, In my current field, one must know medical terminology and anatomy and physiology In order to begin a coding class. If one does not know where the perform sinus Is In the human body, one cannot assign â€Å"history of perform sinus cancer†the correct V-code. We will write a custom essay sample on Sequencing Objectives or any similar topic only for you Order Now One would assume that since the word â€Å"sinus†Is In the phrase, the V-code would be included in the nasal cavity and sinus grouping. The horrify sinus is actually located in the pharynx; therefore, the V-code would be in the grouping with oral cavity and pharynx. Sequencing of the Course and Curriculum Regulate and Stein refer to macromolecule sequencing, giving the students an overview (epitome) that outlines the fundamental aspects of the course first. Instruction progresses with each Idea being more detailed and elaborating upon the previous one. Objectives are developed to Insure that prerequisite skills are covered before advancing to the next objective. Sequencing of Skills wealth the Topic Basic skills are taught first within each topic, building upon each other. Analyzing Topic Objectives to Determine Learning Outcomes This approach examines the relationship between the course map and the unit map. This approach looks at objectives from different learning domains and the relationship between each, sequencing to insure that prerequisite skills are covered in earlier lessons. Sequencing of Skills within Lessons This mapping Is more detailed oriented. Objectives are sequenced In more detail, broken down Into Individual skills required wealth the lesson presented. Learning Hierarchies and Instructional Sequence According to Eagan, when the proper sequence of prerequisite skills is established, intellectual skill instruction is easily managed by the teacher. Knowledge-Based Sequencing Instructional design is represented as organizational patterns on the concept map and then used during the development phase to automatically generate instructional maps. Sequencing Content for Online Learning This Involves sequencing knowledge units and learning tasks within those units. Spiral Sequencing of the curriculum. And example of this is in foreign language instruction. Basic grammar skills are revisited continually as the student progresses. How to cite Sequencing Objectives, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Practice Essay Example
Practice Essay Can the frequency of cricket chirps be used to predict the outdoor temperature? According to one of the founding fathers of communications engineering, George Washington Pierce, the answer is yes. During his career, Pierce invented several pieces of technology that earned him patents and a lot of money from companies like RCA and ATT. When he retired, Pierce built a device that allowed him to record the sounds made by various insects near his New Hampshire home. In 1948, he published his research findings in a book titled The Songs of Insects. In this Activity, ou will examine data that Pierce collected on the number of chirps per second of the striped ground cricket and the outdoor temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. You will compose a Word document with the answers to each of the numbered questions below as well as your scatterplot with regression line. Cricket chirps per second Outdoor temperature (OF) 20. 0 88. 6 16. 0 71 . 6 19. 8 93. 3 18. 4 84. 3 17. 1 80. 6 15. 5 75. 2 14. 7 69. 7 82. 0 1 5. 4 69. 4 16. 2 83. 3 15. 0 79. 6 17. 2 82. 6 17. 0 83. 5 14. 4 76. 3 1. Enter the data into your MS Excel spreadsheet. Which is the explanatory variable? 2. Make a well-labeled scatterplot of the data. Describe the direction, form, and strength of the relationship. Are there any outliers? 3. Use MS Excel to find the least- squares regression line for these data. Record the equation, paying attention to precision. [After plotting the scatterplot, position cursor on one data point and right click. Choose Add Trendline, then select linear. Experiment with Chart Layouts to find regression equation. ] 4. Interpret the slope and the y-intercept of the least-squared line in this setting. 5. Use the equation to predict the temperature when there are 15 cricket chirps per second. Determine the value of the Correlation Coefficient. [Remember that the r is the square root of r2] Comment on how well the regression line fits the data. 7. Is it reasonable to use the equation to predict the temperature when there are 25 cricket chirps per second? Explain. 8. Crickets make their chirping sounds by rapidly rubbing their wings together. From Pierces data, we see that outdoor temperature increases as the number of cricket chirps increases. Can we conclude that the increased number of chirps causes the temperature to increase (maybe due to the heat generated from wings rubbing together)? Explain. We will write a custom essay sample on Practice specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Practice specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Practice specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Parents should not be informed that their teen is requesting abortion essays
Parents should not be informed that their teen is requesting abortion essays I feel that parents should not be informed that their teen is requesting an abortion because it will lead to more teenagers giving birth to unwanted children, unsafe and illegal abortions, infant abandonment, and even worse, infant murder. Within the past few years, infant killing by teenagers is on the rise. In one case, a teen hid her pregnancy and nine months later gave birth to the baby boy in the family basement. Afterward she placed the infant in a garbage bag, leaving him for dead. Admittingly, most teens will not resort to such drastic measures. However, the teen admitted that she was afraid to tell her mother because she claimed her mother told her after her first abortion the year prior, "This better not happen again." I feel the teen was placed in a desperate situation, not wishing to disappoint her family, particularily her mother after being warned, yet not fully understanding the devastating impact er actions would place on her and her family for the rest of their lives. Only when a teen stops denying the pregnancy can she confide in her parents. Even if a pregnant teen feels she has one supportive parent, many will still deny the pregnancy for a while. In an abortion procedure, timing is crucial, as most states have laws that ban abortioon after 22 weeks gestation, unless the mother's life is in danger. At least in a supportive environment, that is uncondidtional, non-threatening, the teen and parent/s can decide which is the better choice, given the circumstances. On the contrary, if the teen knows the news of her pregnancy will only bring verbal ridicule and harassment, and knows if she tries to obtain a legal abortion, her parents will be notified, this additional stress will only prolong the denial. This denial could go on throughtout the pregnancy, even throughout the birth process. The message this law sends is: A teenager can become a mother without parental notification, but she ca...
Monday, March 2, 2020
The Definition of Bivalve
The Definition of Bivalve A bivalve is an animal that has two hinged shells, which are called valves. All bivalves are mollusks. Examples of bivalves are clams, mussels, oysters, and scallops. Bivalves are found in both freshwater and marine environments. Characteristics of Bivalves There are about 10,000 species of bivalves.Bivalves range in size from less than a millimeter to close to 5 feet (e.g., the giant clam). A bivalves shell is formed of calcium carbonate that is secreted from the bivalves mantle, which is the soft wall of the animals body. The shell grows as the organism inside gets bigger. Not all bivalves have externally visible shells - some are small, some are not even visible. Shipworms are a bivalve that doesnt have a very visible shell - their shell is made up of two valves at the worms anterior (back) end. Bivalves have a foot, but not an obvious head. They also dont have a radula or jaws. Some bivalves move around (e.g., scallops), some burrow into the sediment (e.g., clams) or even rocks, and some attach to hard substrates (e.g, mussels). Smallest and Largest Bivalves The smallest bivalve is thought to be the saltwater clam Condylonucula maya. This species has a shell that is less than a millimeter in size. The largest bivalve is the giant clam. The valves of the clam may be over 4 feet long, and the clam itself may weigh over 500 pounds.  Bivalve Classification Bivalves are found in the Phylum Mollusca, Class Bivalvia. Where Are Bivalves Found? Marine bivalves are found around the world, from polar regions to tropical waters and from shallow tide pools to deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Feeding - Them and You Many bivalves feed by filter feeding, in which they draw water over their gills, and tiny organisms collect in the organisms gill mucus. The also breathe by drawing fresh oxygen from the water as it passes over their gills. When you eat a shelled bivalve, youre eating the body or a muscle inside. When youre eating a scallop, for example, youre eating the adductor muscle. The adductor muscle is a round, meaty muscle that the scallop uses to open and close its shell. Reproduction Some bivalves have separate sexes, some are hermaphroditic (have male and female sex organs). In most cases, reproduction is sexual with external fertilization. The embryos develop in the water column and go through a larval stage before eventually developing their shell. Human Uses Bivalves are some of the most important seafood species. Oysters, scallops, mussels, and clams are popular selections at just about every seafood restaurant. According to NOAA, the commercial value of bivalve harvests in 2011 was over $1 billion, just in the U.S.  This harvest weighed over 153 million pounds. Bivalves are organisms particularly vulnerable to climate change and ocean acidification. Increasing acidity in the ocean is affecting the ability for bivalves to effectively build their calcium carbonate shells. Bivalve Used in a Sentence The blue mussel is a bivalve - it has two equally-sized, hinged shells that fit together and enclose the animals soft body. References and Further Information Geller, J. B. 2007. Bivalves. In Encyclopedia of Tidepools and Rocky Shores. University of California Press, p. 95-102.Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Condylonucula maya D.R. Moore, 1977. Accessed December 30, 2015.Lindberg, D.R. 2007. Molluscs, Overview. In Encyclopedia of Tidepools and Rocky Shores. University of California Press, p. 374-376.Martinez, Andrew J. 2003. Marine Life of the North Atlantic. Aqua Quest Publications, Inc.: New York.NOAA, National Ocean Service. What Is a Bivalve Mollusk? Accessed December 30, 2015.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
The War on Terror Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The War on Terror - Essay Example It has been argued that 9/11 terrorist attacks gave impetus to what we call the "War on Terror." To what extent this US-led campaign against global terrorism would reflect the "opportunity and willingness" of president Obama to invest more resources from his "menu" of choices available? The â€Å"War on Terror†is a blanket cause that allows the United States to intervene on any activities it considers to be terrorism. The war is fighting a faceless enemy, therefore it could be anyone. President Obama has chosen to withdrawal troops as well as focus on humanitarian aid. What started out as the liberation of Iraq from Sadaam Hussein has developed into the United States being a peace keeping force in the Middle East. This includes both military and humanitarian efforts. The United States has been increasing the amount of troops being sent to Afghanistan in order to drive the enemy out of populated sectors. The United States increased the troop count by 30,000 in 2010 alone (Keye s, 2011). This increased military presence costs a lot of money as well as American lives in order to fight this invisible enemy. Obama has also been trying to recreate democracy in Iraq. The goal of President Obama was to bring peace and end conflict in the Middle East between the factions of Islam as well as eliminate the terrorist threat. As a result this would create a foothold for economic and stability to the region even though fighting has persisted in that region for thousands of years
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Critical Review and Application in HP Company Essay
Critical Review and Application in HP Company - Essay Example In their efforts to diagnose an organisation, diagnosticians view an organization as an open system that comprises of input, outputs as well as throughputs. Argyris (1970) argues that key the importance of organizational model includes understanding of an organizational behavior, interpretation of the data that relate to an organisation, interpretation of the data and provision of understandable language. This paper seeks to analyze various diagnoses models and determine the most appropriate model that makes HP Company to have a competitive edge in the technology industry. Force Field Analysis Force Field Analysis was developed by Kurt Lewin with an aim of analyzing and managing problems that faces an organisation. According to this model, there exist forces that stimulate changes within a firm and restraining forces such as poor morale and limited resources that acts as obstacles to change. To understand the problems that face a company, the management must first identify and define the restricting and driving forces. This is followed by planning the goals that are effective in pushing the equilibrium of an organisation towards achieving the desired goals. According to Beer and Spector (1993), one of the major objectives of the Force Field Analysis is to achieve a state of equilibrium by eliminating the restraining forces as well as by adding the appropriate driving forces. Being based upon the change process, Force Field Analysis assumes that within a dynamic company the changes occur simultaneously. Leavitt’s Model Leavitt’s Model was developed in 1965 by Lewin. Being a simple model that is appropriate to deal with problems that face organisations, Leavitt’s Model specify various models that a firm can adopt rather than the driving forces that are adopted by the Force Field Analysis. Major variables emulated by Leavitt’s Model include human variables, task variables, technological variables and structure variables. Bollen and Long (1993) stipulates that key aspects that make up the structure variable include communication system, work flow within a firm as well as authority systems. According to this model, effective collaboration of all the systems within an organization is a vital aspect that ensures all the problems facing an organisation are effectively addressed. This model depicts that the major technological variables includes the machinery and equipments used by the task variable. On the other hand, task variables include all the activities and subtasks adopted during the provision of goods and services. Human variables encompass all the human resources that are involved during in undertaking various activities in order to achieve the organizational objectives (Emery and Trist, 1965). According to Leavitt’s Models, the interdependence of all the variables is imperative to achieve the desired change. This means that a change in one of the variables generate an impact on the entire model. For in stance, if a new technology is introduced in an organisation, the quality of the products and services that make up the task variables is improved. In the same way, human resources will be motivated due to the improved communication within and outside the organisation. Basically, any improvement in the technology will positively impact on the ent
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Charles Marius Barbeau’s Ethnography and the Canadian Folklore Essay
Charles Marius Barbeau’s Ethnography and the Canadian Folklore Born on 5 March 1883, in Sainte-Marie-de-Bauce, Charles Marius Barbeau is widely seen as the first Canadian educated anthropologist. He graduated from Università © Laval in Quà ©bec, from his studies of law, in 1907; he never practised law. Upon graduating, Marius was awarded – as the first French-Canadian recipient – the Cecil Rhodes scholarship which allowed him to study at Oxford University where he was introduced to the emerging field of Anthropology.  « Je [voulais] savoir comment l’homme a à ©tà © crà ©Ãƒ ©  » he later explained to Marcel Rioux. (Benoà ®t 1959a) During his stay in Europe, Marius also attended classes at the Sorbonne’s École des Hautes Études and at the École d’anthropologie in Paris. In June 1910, he received a Bachelor of Science degree, from Oxford, for his thesis on The Totemic System of the Northwestern Indian Tribes of North America. Back in Canada, he took the position of Assistant Ethnologist for E dward Sapir at the Anthropological division of the Geological Survey of Canada at the Victoria Memorial Museum in Ottawa (one of the ancestors of today’s – since 1986 – Canadian Museum of Civilization). Then Marius began his life long career of collecting ethnographic and folkloric data on the cultures of aboriginal North-Americans and French creoles of Canada†¦ Theoretical Bases  « Pour Barbeau, les manifestations du folklore sont un peu comme des petits fruits sauvages. Le folkloriste est un cueilleur. [†¦] Si l’on ne cueille pas les fruits sauvages, eh bien ils se perdront pour toujours. [†¦] Un jour, la forà ªt aura envahi le terrain et tout effacà ©. Le modeste champ ne sera plus là . Il sera oublià ©.  » (Gauthier 2001: 38) Marius Barbeau’s theoretical ... ...stion and the politics of recognition.†Ethnic & Racial Studies. April 1995, 18(2): 277–314. Accessed November 2004 on EBSCO Accession number: 9506073480; Database: Academic Search Premier SMITH, Derek G. 2001. â€Å"The Barbeau archives at the Canadian Museum of Civilization: some current research problems†Anthropologica 43(2): 191. Accessed November 2004 on ProQuest ProQuest document ID: 357968991 SUZUKI, David 2001. â€Å"A Personal Foreword: The Value of Native Ecologies†in Peter KNUDTSON and David SUZUKI. Wisdom Of The Elders. Toronto: Stoddart Publishing, 2001 [1992]: XXI–XXXV TURGEON, Laurier; Denys DELÂGE and Rà ©al OUELLET 1995. â€Å"Marius Barbeau et l’ethnologie des Amà ©rindiens†Canadian Folklore Canadien 17(1). Accessed November 2004
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Employee Privacy Essay
Failure by employees to adhere to work ethics especially in the advent of Internet has led organizations to engage employee-monitoring activities. Where employees adhere to the professional code of conduct less challenges and problems in terms of bad conduct, scandals and conflicts are avoided in the work place. Security and Privacy have become synonymous with Internet use. Rarely can any one think of doing online transactions without first worrying about the twin issues of security, and privacy. Internet security is particularly a tricky and complex phenomenon because of the lack of universality in implementation of various security policies and acts. Secondly, the advent of Internet as well as its ever-rising relevancy and popularity has caught many stakeholders including governments, software companies as well as regulatory agencies by surprise. At first, few would imagine that Internet could be used negatively by employees. However, this has in recent times become a reality and employee abuse of office resources can authoritatively be termed as one of the most dangerous crimes facing organizations today. Finkin, 1995. Professionalism is the practical behavior portrayed in a place by both the employer and employee. Professionalism entails a number of characteristics key of which are the right focus towards the job, positive attitude and being goal oriented. Whether employee monitoring is professional behavior or not is very much debatable but definitely it is unfair for an employer to jump into secretly monitoring and surveying employees in the work place without their consent. Once employees notice that, they are under surveillance they are likely to become irritated and betrayed. As much as employers’ have a right to take all measures possible to cut down costs of production especially by minimizing wastage, this should be applied up to agreeable limits without infringing on personal freedom. Professionalism involves display of interest in the job, good communication skills, work etiquette, accountability and commitment to teamwork. If both the employer and employee adhere to professional conduct in their respective roles, incidences, which warrant surveillance, would significantly drop. In some instances, some employers rush into surveillance at the slightest provocation and sometimes the fear is not warranted at all. Majority of the organizations are rushing to install monitoring systems not because of security threats but rather because of technological evolution. S. Elizabeth, 1998. Their argument is valid bearing in mind that many organizations are keen to embrace modern information technology for the sake of public relations as opposed to warranted situations. Revolution in information technology has impacted on professionalism in that employers are more likely to overlook the professional aspect of a decision in favor of technological advantage, which comes with the kind of decision. Interestingly, many managers do not carry out studies to establish the employees’ attitudes towards such a decision before making those decisions. Privacy. Privacy can be defined as the personal interests touching on the individual’s right to personal space, whereby freedom from interference is guaranteed by the state or the organizations one works for. Hunt, 1984. Privacy of personal communication in the work place is jeopardized when an individual’s communications is tempered with, therefore curtailing the freedom of communication of the individual. The most common way this occurs in organizations is whereby the employer or management tracks and accesses employee communication otherwise not meant or directed to them. This occurs when employers use modern technology such as electronic surveillance to hack employees’ private information. A recent business survey on the extent of electronic surveillance in work places in US established a growing trend of employers in many corporate organizations using modern technologies to hack employees’ private information. This is alarming especially when it is coming in the wake of employee concerns about the advent of one being surveilled against their wish all day long. The prospect of gathering and sharing information amongst departments in organizations has made it easy to conduct business while at the same time cutting cost of communication dramatically. According to current research findings, it is approximated that most companies save up to 20 percent of operational costs by embracing modern technology. Finkin,1995. This is a significant amount of revenue considering that businesses exist to make profits by embracing effective and efficient technology. This leaves no doubt that effort to embrace information technology as long as it is applied in the right way is welcome. Despite the ranging debate on the right of employees to privacy, the employers seem to justify their action and every step of it. Before the advent of surveillance technology in the local organizations, the existence of employee theft especially in retail companies and in some key departments in organizations was a common occurrence. Finkin, 1995. Employers monitor employees for three major reasons; one legal liability, security, and productivity. All the three reasons put forward seem to be justifiable reasons but there is a need for legislation to govern the process for such legal framework lacks in most of the organizations. Majority of the big organizations in USA have adopted monitoring as way of ensuring security and not mainly for surveillance of employees. The latter is not a priority but employers cite it as a good deterrent to those employees who may want to misuse company property. Although the main purpose put forward for the introduction of the monitoring system was for the purposes of detecting crime, it is worthy mentioning that employers do use evidence garnered from the cctvs in apprehending workers for gross misconduct in the work place. McWhirter, 1989. In conclusion, it is not fair for an employee to oppose being monitored while he/she continues to act unprofessionally in the workplace. No employer will risk their business at the expense of employee privacy. It is therefore worthy noting that, depending on the situation, monitoring employees can be justified as long as it makes business sense.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Social Disorganization Theory And Differential Association...
There are a variety of theories that have been proposed both at a macro and micro level in order to explain juvenile crime. The different theories that have been proposed are Social Disorganization theory, Differential Social Organization theory, Social Control theory and Differential Association theory. In order for people to determine which of the proposed theory is more valid, one must be able to answer the question of what inspires the juveniles to be involved in criminal activities . One must seek to answer the question in regards to whether they participate in criminal activities because of what they have learned from other people or how they are controlled i.e. in terms of family upbringing and the societal values. In Mercer L. Sullivans book, Getting Paid Youth Crime and Work in Inner City, it makes a suggestion that in terms of the learning theories that both at the macro level, Differential social organization, and micro level Differential association theory, present a more accurate analysis of the two types of theories. Social Disorganization theory is a major sociological theory, which is used to explain crime at the macro level. The theory answers the question of how various aspects of the structure of a community contribute to social control. It is important to note that, in a community which unable to achieve common values, it will have a high rate of delinquency. Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay proposed this theory and they looked at various variables such asShow MoreRelatedRap Music And Its Effects On America1649 Words  | 7 Pagesinfluence on the black community. 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The movie comes to a close when Alex is presented with the same music that is supposed to make him feel horrible, but instead he sees himself having sex with women in a town square where the crowd is applauding him. Theories Used Social Disorganization Theories In the theory by Shaw and Mckay (1942), there are five different living zones in large cities or towns where people live. Each zone differs by characteristics of the community, people themselves, and every crime rates. These zones areRead MoreEssay about Social Disorginization theory 1296 Words  | 6 Pagesthe Social Disorganization theory was developed in the mid 1940’s by Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay while they were researchers studying at the Institute for Social Research in Chicago. Shaw and McKay (1942) based their research of the study of crime in Chicago off of the work that Ernest Burgess theorized in how urban areas grow through a process of continual expansion from their inner core toward outlying areas. According to Cullen and Agnew (20011) one of the primary arguments in the social disorganization
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